95%+ accuracy data labeling service

DS community

Data Marketplace + data transfer tool

Public dataset database
High quality
datasets for AI
Bounding boxes
Object detection
95%+ accuracy guaranteed by contract.
get result where automated and crowd labeling does not work
We use in-house team of 400+ employees with years of experience, including PHDs with expertise in various fields. It allows us to work with sophisticated cases where AI automated and croudsourcing data labeling just can not proceed.

As a result, our tailored data labeling process and our expertise deliver more than 95% accuracy. Since we use only in-house staff, we are able to handle sensitive data, ensuring data security at the highest level.
A full-cycle data factory with its own community, services of manual and human-in-the-loop data processing and data marketplace.
You have found our nest.

Various Data Types
regular types
special data types
Object recognition and bounding boxes
Image and video classification
Recognizing text from an image (OCR)
Pairwise comparison of images and videos
Moderation of images and videos
Generating images and videos
Audio transcription. Speech recording. Audio classification
Search relevance
Classification of texts
Sentiment analysis
Classification of intents
Generation of remarks and statements
Named Entity Recognition
We have extensive experience in this field.
Contact us to discuss the details of a specific task.
We have extensive experience in this field.
Contact us to discuss the details of a specific task.
We have extensive experience in this field.
Contact us to discuss the details of a specific task.
We have extensive experience in this field.
Contact us to discuss the details of a specific task.
Data marketplace
when public data is not enough
Our marketplace and database of public datasets finally unite data at one place. You no longer need to visit other sources to get the data you are looking for. Our nest is the right place.

Our P2P IPFS based tool works as a encrypted dataset transmission channel, which eliminates security problems, and also speeds up the process of exchanging datasets by excluding intermediate data storage from the chain. Due to the large volumes of datasets (hundreds of gigabytes), this can be a critical acceleration of the entire process.
Please feel free to contact us. We start any project from free pilot so you don’t need to sign any contracts before you checked our services quality. We will estimate our efficiency and speed during technical test and will provide you with exact pricing upon pilot project completion.
$12 / hour
Starting from
Data labeling/ collecting services
Project flow.
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Project Description
A brief technical description for data labeling/collecting task
Technical Test (Pilot)
Sample data labeling/collecting to be sure of following the requirements
We approve technical details and shake hands
Data labeling/collecting
95%+ accuracy data processing
Dataset is ready for model training. You are ready to fuel your ML project.
Ant Nest Community.
- Share experience, find experts, develop skills

- Find new members for your team

- Get community membership «unfair» advantages:

We create global data scientists community to connect people with the same passion. We create a neighborhood environment for our community members.
Partnership program.
Get bonuses such as discounted/free services or money commission by recommending and promoting our services. Our affiliate program is transparent and understandable.
Contact Us